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  • Writer's pictureSteve Klass

Into the Light!

Welcome back P3 Utah as we emerge from our pandemic-induced hibernation. Our community should be pleased to learn that while we have been offline, we have not been sleeping. Thanks to the strong contributions of BYU Ballard Social Impact Center teams the last 4 semesters, we have a lot of progress to report. Coming out of the UN Civil Society Conference in August 2019, we have completed a draft toolkit to help any company of any size anywhere to boost their triple bottom line. For the UN, we translated our rough draft of the toolkit into Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic.

Thanks to four Ballard teams, we now have generated four case studies proving that our toolkit, based on the P3 Business Sustainability Matrix, actually works and can help real companies quickly identify opportunities to boost impact. You can download the concise two-page case studies here for Mynt Solar, Young Living, US Synthetic and Varex Digital Imaging.

Going forward, we have two fully staffed Ballard teams this Winter semester that are helping us take our game to an even higher level. The teams are helping us to simplify, rebrand, and spread the word on the toolkit, primarily in Utah. We are also developing a much further reaching global strategy that will be emerging by summer.

In addition to our primary work of improving and disseminating our impact-boosting toolkit, we have begun to engage our new state government leadership on a series of possible policy initiatives as part of a formal strategy to develop Utah as a global center for social and sustainable enterprise (SASE). This is a longer term project as well, but we expect to be making announcements of the rollout of initial initiatives in late spring.

Lastly, we are renewing our efforts to better leverage our supportive community partners and spotlight our many triple bottom line heroes. Starting in March, we are partnering with Impact HUB Salt Lake on a benefit company education series. We are also working with new benefit LLC enterprise Neighborhood Hive to unveil their efforts at a new concept in bundling benefit company clusters geographically. You will just have to tune in.

Watch for new videos, podcast re-releases, and tours both virtual and in person as the vaccine enables a return to greater gatherings. Our website will be updating on a regular basis over the next three months, so feel free to poke around every week and share your comments. Keep us and our initiatives in mind as you continue to emerge from your own hibernation. Our society and environment need us more than ever to make good purchasing and production choices at home and work. Now, more than EVER: Be P3 !!!

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