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UnConference: The One Day Utah Sustainability Challenge

Moving the Needle Towards  the Purpose Economy, with a Net Positive Impact

September 21

8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

University Guest House and Conference Center, 110 Fort Douglas Boulevard, Salt Lake City

It’s up to us, isn’t it? Government will not mandate substantial private behavior change to make our state more sustainable.  We in business issue our own challenge to our peers and to our customers.  We already know most of the best practices needed to make a difference. We have great leading examples but not enough businesses are accepting responsibility for our future.

How can we make a breakthrough in sustainability for Utah?

We have called upon a national expert in facilitating advances to benefit communities, Jess Zimbabwe. Jess is the founding Executive Director of the Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership at the National League of Cities and the Urban Land Institute (LinkedIn).  If we set the goals, Jess will help us form multidicisciplinary teams to work hard on adoption of best practices, to produce an actionable strategy in one day.  Participants be encouraged to share stories and develop collaborative strategies on how to make these commitments, industry by industry and company by company.

On September 21, we rise to answer the question:  How can business lead itself, government and our customers from the bottom up to create a sustainable Utah?

In just one day, we will accelerate our evolution towards the purpose economy and away from the fortune economy, launching “turning-the-corner” change towards positive net impact for society and the environment.

What key indicators of community sustainability should we target?  Items being considered include:

  • Reducing the Gender Pay Gap

  • Creating Job Opportunities For People Facing Significant Barriers

  • Expanding Alternative Energy in the Workplace

  • Reducing Single Occupant Vehicle Trips to Clean Our Air

  • Increasing Recycling to Reduce Landfill Growth

  • Increasing Consumer Consideration of Social/Environmental Impacts

P3 Utah 8th Annual Sustainability Sponso
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